bicycle rider whirligig

When I started to put this web page together, I found several interesting whirligig designs that I wanted to build. The first was a Woodchopper whirligig, as published in a 1981 issue of The Mother Earth News. I began to make a whirligig as per their instructions, and documented the build with my own drawings, showing the parts I needed to make. Then I attempted to layout the different photos and info into a web page format. This page is what I finally came up with. Here are photos and drawings of some other projects that I’m presently working on, have already built, or intend to build. Also, I would like to mention that these pages contain several affiliate links. If you were to buy something, I would be paid a small commission (at no extra cost to you). This helps my website to be online.

I have also added a few links to other whirligigs and windspinners put out there by other people. If you’ve visited here earlier, you will notice that this web page is a work in progress, with updates happening often. If you find the information interesting or useful, please bookmark my page, spread the word, and visit often – Terry

A Woodchopper Whirligig
A Pop Bottle Windspinner
A Cardinal Windspinner
A Railcar Whirligig
A Sawyer Whirligig
A Popsicle Stick Spiral Windspinner
A Pop Can Windspinner
A Snoopy Whirligig

Drawings for Sawyer and Woodchopper Whirligigs

Here is a link showing how to make a really cool Snoopy whirligig.

An Animated Hammersmith